LähiTuuli sells the 150 MW Metsälamminkangas wind project in Finland

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OX2, a leading Nordic developer within onshore wind power, has signed a purchase agreement with LähiTuuli for one of the largest wind power projects in Finland. The project rights acquired via the wind power project will allow OX2 to build a wind farm of 24 wind turbines in North Ostrobothnia, Finland.

The total capacity of the Metsälamminkangas project will be approximately 150 MW. Annual production will be equivalent to the electricity consumption of around 80,000 homes (5,000 kWh per household). The project will be based in Vaala, around 120 km southeast of Oulu.

The Metsälamminkangas wind farm will be connected to the national grid, Fingrid, via the Vuolijoki substation through an expansion of 32 km of the existing 110 kV section of the grid.

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