Hoddesdon EfW permit plan receives public backlash

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Veolia’s plans for an Energy from Waste (EfW) facility in Hoddesdon receives negative comments from the public majority.

The comments came in newly-published responses to a consultation from the Environment Agency, which has said it is “minded to accept” the environmental permit for the 300,000 tonne facility.

The Agency said it had considered the application and “accepted the details are sufficient and satisfactory to make the standard condition appropriate”. However, it said in August 2018 that when issuing the permit consultation that its “mind remains open at this stage” and vowed to “carefully” take into account the responses.

Most of the responses received were from residents, who reiterated previously expressed concerns over air quality, traffic, odour and house prices, among other concerns.

Other responses criticised the fact that the Agency issued a draft acceptance of the plan before the report back of the public inquiry – held earlier this summer into the plant. The Veolia Hoddesdon project was called in in February 2018 by the then housing and local government secretary of state Sajid Javid with the public inquiry following and a government decision still awaited.

Several residents pointed to the timing of the consultation, criticising the fact it fell during the summer holiday months and a perceived lack of advertising and publicity about the consultation. The Agency however, says it advertised the consultation online and through advertisements in local newspapers.

However, in what could give some hope to protestors against the 350,000 tonne plant, the Agency has reiterated that is it still undecided.

The energy recovery facility can generate up to 33.5 MW of electricity from the 350,000 tonnes of potential residual ‘black bin’ waste (that cannot be reused, recycled or composted) each year.

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