GE to supply 138 MW Saros wind project in Turkey

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General Electric Co has won a contract to supply turbine for the 138MW Saros wind project in Turkey. GE’s wind turbine blade manufacturer, LM Wind Power will manufacture the Cypress two-pieces blade at its site located in Izmir, Turkey. Towers for the machines will be manufactured in Turkey as well.

Borusan EnBW Enerj (created in 2009 by Turkish group Borusan and Germany’s EnBW), has ordered 27 units of GE’s Cypress turbines with a rotor diameter of 158 meters. The wind park will generate about 530 GWh of electricity per year, enough to supply 190,000 homes. GE has also received a 10-year service deal.

The Saros project requires an investment of about US$190 million (EUR169 million). 

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