European Energy A/S has announced that its 71 MW Rodby Fjord solar photovoltaic project has been connected to the grid, located on the island of Lolland in Denmark.
The company has started construction in May of 2021. The project will benefit from a 20-year feed-in tariff from the Danish Ministry of energy, utilities and climate. In January of 2022, European Energy has entered into an agreement with Encavis AG to sell the 71 MW Rodby fjord and the 34 MW Svinningegarden solar farm located on the Zealand island.
RWE has signed a concession agreement with the Danish Energy Agency (Energistyrelsen) to construct and operate the 800 MW Thor offshore wind farm for 30 years.
Read moreEncavis AG has signed a purchase agreement with European Energy for two solar parks in Denmark with a generation capacity of 105 megawatts (MWp) in total. The projects involved are the subsidy-free S...
Read moreVattenfall has taken the final investment decision for Vesterhav Syd and Vesterhav Nord offshore wind farms located on the west coast of Jutland, Denmark.
Read moreJan De Nul Group has been awarded the transport and installation of a total of 41 wind turbines of 8.4 MW each for the offshore wind farm Vesterhav Nord & Syd in Denmark.
Read moreThe Danish Energy Agency (DEA) has awarded German energy group RWE AG the concession to develop the Thor offshore wind farm project that would have up to 1 GW generating capacity. DEA...
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