Empower Energies completes 7.6 MW solar PV project in Ohio

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Empower Energies has finished building a 7.6 MW solar project for a Fortune 100 client at a large commercial complex in Columbus, Ohio, USA. The solar installation comprises a canopy of solar panels covering several parking areas and rooftop panels mounted on 4 and 5-story buildings. The two elements of the project are integrated with existing electrical distribution equipment. The project is expected to produce more than 9 million kWh of solar energy annually, reducing over 6,500 metric tons of carbon dioxide emissions.

The solar park generates more than enough clean energy to cover the site's power requirements while also reducing its carbon footprint. Empower Energies expects the solar project to provide clean energy for decades to come and help drive the transition to a more sustainable energy future.

Empower Energies has previously built over 200 MW of clean energy projects in the US and currently has more than 1 GW of solar and storage projects in the works, including large-scale commercial solar canopies for several Fortune 100 clients.

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