Enel Green Power España, Endesa’s renewable energy unit, has started construction of three wind farms for an overall capacity of around 90 MW spread across the municipalities of Allueva, Fonfría, Mezquita de Jarque, Fuentes Calientes, Cañada Vellida and Rillo in the Spanish province of Teruel, in the region of Aragon. The total investment in the three facilities amounts to approximately EUR88 million (US$100 million).
The three wind farms are slated to enter into operation by the end of 2019, and once completed they are expected to generate over 295 GWh per year, while avoiding the annual emission of approximately 196,000 tons of CO2 into the atmosphere. The expected capacity of the 7-turbine Allueva plant exceeds 25 MW, while that of the 4-turbine Sierra Pelarda wind farm, situated in Fonfría, is 15 MW. The largest of the three facilities is the 14-turbine Sierra Costera I, which will have a capacity of around 50 MW and is spread across the municipalities of Mezquita de Jarque, Fuentes Calientes, Cañada Vellida and Rillo.
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