After two years of looking forward to start actual works at sea, construction for the 370 MW Norther offshore wind project has started, with Van Oord as project leader in charge of designing, sourcing, delivering, and installing the 45 foundations for the wind turbine generators (WTGs), the offshore high voltage station (OHVS), the entire electrical infrastructure, and installing the wind turbines.
Aelous, the offshore installation vessel, has been into an upgrading and remodeling for 6 months to carry the foundations which weighs about 47 million kilos.
The project is expected to be operational by third quarter of 2019.
The European Investment Bank (EIB) has disclosed that it approved an undisclosed amount of financing for the 488 MW Seamade offshore wind project on 17 July. The project comprises the constr...
Read moreThe SeaStar and Mermaid offshore wind projects, both located off the coast of the West Flanders province of Belgium, have been merged by their owners to form the Seamade project, which has a generatio...
Read moreThe European Commission has approved, under the EU Merger Regulation, the restructuring of two offshore wind projects located in Belgian waters, known as Seastar and Mermaid. The proposed transac...
Read moreBladt Insdustries has been selected to deliver the monopiles and transitions pieces for the project. Separately, Bladt will deliver one monopile and a transition piece foundation for the project’s sub...
Read moreFluence Corp has been awarded a €3.9 million (US$ 4.5 million) contract by ArcelorMittal for the design and construction of a wastewater treatment and waste-to-energy (EfW) system...
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