Bladt Insdustries has been selected to deliver the monopiles and transitions pieces for the project

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Bladt Insdustries has been selected to deliver the monopiles and transitions pieces for the project. Separately, Bladt will deliver one monopile and a transition piece foundation for the project’s substation. Preliminary work on the foundations will start on November 1. In the meantime, Bladt will collaborate with the project’s engineering, procurement, construction and installation (EPCI) contractor Jan De Nul and Parkwind on a design optimisation process aimed at lowering the cost of the foundations
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Country updates

  • July 05, 2018

    The offshore substation for the project has been handed over by its manufacturer, Navantia, to the project's developer, ScottishPower Renewables

    The offshore substation for the project has been handed over by its manufacturer, Navantia, to the project's developer, ScottishPower Renewables. The substation will start its journey to the wind farm...

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  • July 05, 2018

    The first turbine has been installed at the project

    The first turbine has been installed at the project. The wind farm is due to be fully commissioned in the beginning of 2019 at the latest

  • July 04, 2018

    NKT A/S has been awarded an over EUR145 million (USD169 m) contract to supply export cabling for the project

    NKT A/S has been awarded an over EUR145 million (USD169 m) contract to supply export cabling for the project. Cables will be made in Karlskrona, Sweden, with production scheduled to begin this autumn...

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  • July 02, 2018

    The first of the project's 11 MHI Vestas turbines in Scottish waters is exporting power to the National Grid via 66-kV subsea cabling

    The first of the project's 11 MHI Vestas turbines in Scottish waters is exporting power to the National Grid via 66-kV subsea cabling. Full power is expected later in the summer

  • June 28, 2018

    The fund has sucessfully acquired the construction-ready 197.4MW Guleslettene wind farm from Zephyr

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