AES Tietê completes Guaimbê solar park acquisition from Cobra Group

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AES Tietê Energia, a Brazilian unit of AES Corporation, has completed the acquisition of a solar facility in Brazil’s Sao Paulo state from Cobra do Brasil, a unit of Grupo Cobra. The solar project includes the 180 MWp /150 MWac Bauru Solar Complex, a five-facility photovoltaic solar project located in the Guaimbe municipality.

AES Tiete is paying BRL607  ($149.762 million) after working capital adjustments, to local firm Cobra Brasil Servicos, Comunicacoes e Energia SA, for the photovoltaic complex. The company is paying $32.9 million for all the shares in five special purpose entities (SPEs) and the remaining $113 million relates to debentures issued by the SPEs and acquired by AES.

The solar project had been controlled by five specific purpose entities (SPEs) held by Cobra do Brasil. It has a 20-year power purchase agreement (PPA) and is already in commercial operation.

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