AES Gener SA, a unit of AES Corporation, is shutting down the 58.35 MW Central Laguna Verde thermal power plant in line with its transition to renewable energies.
The project is a diesel-fired power plant consists of two steam turbines and a gas turbine. AES Gener has requested the Chilean Energy Commission (CNE) its prime movers that operate the thermal power plant.
Pacific Hydro submits an environmental permit for the planned development of a solar photovoltaic plant in the Atacama Desert in Chile. The Central Desierto de Atacama project will have a gener...
Read moreVINCI has signed an agreement to acquire ACS’s energy business. The deal consists in: most of the ACS Industrial Services’ contracting business. With a workforce of around 45,000 emplo...
Read moreCox Energy America will begin in the second half of 2021 the construction of the Sol de Vallenar photovoltaic project, which has a capacity of 308 MWp and is located in the Atacama Desert (Chile), one...
Read moreMainstream’s first solar farm in Latin America, Río Escondido, has been connected to its transmission network. The first power flowed from a new substation on the northern Chile site, al...
Read moreSMA is supplying 46 Medium Voltage Power Station for the 220 megawatt Diego de Almagro Sur PV power plant in the Atacama Desert in Chile. The project will see South American power generation company C...
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