Enel Green Power starts operations of Dois Riachos wind farm in Brazil

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Enel Green Power starts operations of Dois Riachos wind farm in Brazil

Enel Green Power (EGP) has connected to the grid the Dois Riachos wind farm, which is located in the state of Bahia in north-eastern Brazil and is the first part of the 118 MW Serra Azul wind power complex to start operations.

With an installed capacity of 30 MW, Dois Riachos will be able to generate over 140 GWh per year, equal to the power needs of more than 70,000 Brazilian households, and will avoid the annual emission of around 14,000 tonnes of CO2 into the atmosphere.

The Serra Azul wind power complex will be composed of three additional wind farms: Damascena (30 MW), Maniçoba (30 MW) and Esperança (28 MW). The operating complex will be able to generate over 500 GWh a year – equal to the consumption of about 280,000 Brazilian households – while avoiding the emission of more than 50,000 tonnes of CO2.

Serra Azul is held by Parque Eolico Serra Azul Ltda, a subsidiary of Enel Brasil Participaçoes Ltda. The energy generated by the complex will mainly be sold through power supply contracts on the regulated market.
EGP is investing approximately US$220 million in construction of Serra Azul, in line with the growth targets set out in the current strategic plan. This investment is being partially financed with loans from International Finance Corporation, a World Bank Group member, and Itaù Unibanco SA. Both loans are related to the construction of wind farms in north-eastern Brazil.

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