Electrica SA

Company description

SC Electrica SA, is a state-owned company, subordinated to the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Business Development, held through OPSPI (Office of State Ownership and Privatization in Industry). Its object of activity consists of power distribution and supply, providing communications infrastructure/information, and energetic services. Electrica SA is a company of distribution and supply of electricity and is one of the most important players in the fields of distribution, sourcing, and other energy-related services in Romania. Electrica SA has national coverage, its local branches are located in the three areas of North Transylvania, South Transylvania, North Muntenia, and also the entire country, regarding network maintenance and the energetic services segment.

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Company details

Strada Grigore Alexandrescu Nr. 9 Bucharest; Bucharest; Postal Code: 010621 Romania

Participation in projects

Projects Transactions
List of the updates in which the company was involved

Company updates

  • July 17, 2023

    Electrica launches EPC tender for 12 MW solar project in Vulturul

    Romanian power utility Electrica SA has launched a tender for the delivery of engineering, procurement, and construction (EPC) services for the development of a 12 MW DC/9.75 MW AC solar photovoltaic...

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