Complexul Energetic Oltenia (CE Oltenia)

Company description

CE Oltenia is the sole lignite producer in Romania and one of the major players in the energy services sector in Romania, set-up on 31 May 2012 following a decision of the Romanian Government for the reorganization of the energy sector through a merger between a national lignite company (Societatea Nationala a Lignitului Oltenia) and three energy producing companies (Complexul Energetic Rovinari, Complexul Energetic Turceni and Complexul Energetic Craiova).

CE Oltenia has an installed production capacity of 3900 MWh and the sales of electricity are made on the wholesale energy market – bilateral agreements market, next day market, balance market, technological system services market, en detail market and green certificates market.

The Company also produces thermal energy – mainly for the city of Craiova and sales coal to third parties, mainly electricity producers. The main raw material used for the production of electricity is lignite extracted from Oltenia basin.

Other companies in Romania


Company details

Str. Al. Ioan Cuza, nr. 5 Targu-Jiu, Gorj 210227

Participation in projects

Projects Transactions
List of the updates in which the company was involved

Company updates

  • October 10, 2022

    OMV Petrom, CE Oltenia to develop 450 MW of Romanian solar PV projects

    Together with CE Oltenia, OMV Petrom will construct four photovoltaic (PV) projects in Romania with an installed capacity of around 450 MW. The facilities are expected to contribute to the national po...

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