Windwärts Energie commence construction of Siegfriedeiche wind project in Grävenwiesbach

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The Windwärts Energie GmbH from Hanover has commenced the construction of its  16.7 MW Siegfriedeiche wind farm located in the municipality of Grävenwiesbach and the Hessen Forest in Germany. 

The facility will be equipped with six GE 2.75-120 turbines with a total height of 199 meters.

Commissioning is planned until March 2020. From spring 2020, the Siegfriedeiche wind farm will generate around 40 million kilowatt hours of environmentally friendly and climate-friendly electricity every year. This corresponds to the annual requirement of 13,000 households.

The successful implementation of the project was preceded by a year-long planning phase. Finally, in June 2018, the approval was granted by the competent authorities in accordance with the Federal Immission Control Act (BImschG). In August 2018, the contract required by the Renewable Energy Sources Act 2017 followed in the tender procedure of the Federal Network Agency (BNetzA). The Hessian Administrative Court (VGH) last rejected the complaint of a citizens' initiative on January 28, 2019.

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