innogy SE has announced that it has signed an agreement with Primus Group to acquire a solar portfolio with a total capacity of over 50 MWp. The portfolio consists of six solar parks in different stages of development in Thuringia, central Germany, and Bavaria, southern Germany.
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innogy and the Nordex Group have jointly announced plans to develop 1.7 GW wind projects between 2019 and 2022.
Read moreThe government of Germany has passed a resolution to tender over 8 GW solar and wind capacity in the next two years.
Read moreHamburg-based solar and wind park operator Encavis AG has announced the successful placement of a EUR50 million (US$57.76 million) "Green Schuldschein" (green bonded loan) with international and national institutional investors.
Read moreStatkraft has signed power purchase agreements (PPAs) for six community wind farms in Germany with a total 31 wind turbines. This will allow these wind farms to continue operating after their funding provided by the Erneuerbare-Energien-Gesetz (EEG - Renewable Energy Sources Act) expires.
Read moreElia System Operator, a transmission system operator (TSO) in Belgium, has announced the successful launch of a EUR300 million (US$350.6 million) 10-year senior bond and EUR700 million (US$818.1 million) perpetual hybrid bond to finance the acquisition of a 20% stake in Eurogrid International SCRL.
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