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The government of Germany has passed a resolution to tender over 8 GW solar and wind capacity in the next two years.
The resolution outlines that 4 GW of solar photovoltaic capacity and 4 GW onshore wind will be tendered in 2019 and 2020, although it is unclear whether this signifies two joint tenders that will award all 4 GW in one go, or a cumulative total of several smaller or technology-specific tenders.
It also states that some offshore wind capacity will be tendered, though does not disclose the planned capacity or how this will fit into the structure of the tenders.
The government hopes that the capacity awarded will offset between eight and ten million tonnes of CO2 emissions.
The resolution is motivated by the need to meet the EU's 20-20-20 targets: 20% renewables share of total energy consumption, 20% reduction in greenhouse gas emissions and 20% increase in energy efficiency across the 27 member states by 2020.
Furthermore, these tenders are required to meet the ambitious national target of 65% renewables share by 2030, which was announced in January. The government intends to develop technology-specific targets to support this.
Therefore, the government is prioritising speed of implementation. The resolution promises that the tenders will be launched "quickly", and that the approval process of onshore wind turbines will be improved and streamlined. This is a response to developers' frequently encountering delays due to limiting planning regulations.
The resolution will be referred to the Cabinet before the end of the month. Also, the 65% target for 2030 will be made legally binding.
This follows the opening of the Federal Network Agency's second joint solar and wind tender last month, which will award up to 200 MW across the two technologies. Closing on 2 November, this serves as a reminder of the programme of renewable tenders already scheduled for the next few years in Germany and causes speculation as to how this new resolution will fit into the programme.
Hamburg-based solar and wind park operator Encavis AG has announced the successful placement of a EUR50 million (US$57.76 million) "Green Schuldschein" (green bonded loan) with international and national institutional investors.
Read moreStatkraft has signed power purchase agreements (PPAs) for six community wind farms in Germany with a total 31 wind turbines. This will allow these wind farms to continue operating after their funding provided by the Erneuerbare-Energien-Gesetz (EEG - Renewable Energy Sources Act) expires.
Read moreElia System Operator, a transmission system operator (TSO) in Belgium, has announced the successful launch of a EUR300 million (US$350.6 million) 10-year senior bond and EUR700 million (US$818.1 million) perpetual hybrid bond to finance the acquisition of a 20% stake in Eurogrid International SCRL.
Read moreGermany's Federal Network Agency (Bundesnetzagentur) has announced that it has awarded 670 MW capacity to developers that participated in the country's third onshore wind tender.
Read moreMerkur Offshore has successfully amended the financing agreements for its 396 MW wind project, securing more competitive terms for senior debt amounting to EUR1.5 billion (US$1.76 billion). This will fund the installation of 66 wind turbines in the German North Sea, approximately 45km north of Borkum.
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