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Germany's Federal Network Agency (Bundesnetzagentur) has announced that it has awarded 670 MW capacity to developers that participated in the country's third onshore wind tender.
91 bids representing a total 709 MW capacity were submitted to the tender, which was launched in July. The average value of the bids submitted is EUR61.6 (US$70.5) per MWh, though bids as low as EUR40 (US$45.8) per MWh were submitted.
This is an increase from the agency's two previous tenders, with bids submitted in February and May 2018 averaging EUR47.3 (US$54.1) per MWh and EUR57.3 (US$65.6) per MWh, respectively.
Bundesnetzagentur commented that the higher bid value reflects the still rather weak competitive pressure. At the same time, a greater number of bids have been submitted than the previous two rounds, indicating increasing demand for capacity by developers.
Those successful in this tender include BayWa r.e. and BOREAS, which both won two projects; Energie Baden-Württemberg (EnBW), Enercon, EWE, and Juwi, which won three projects. Bundesnetzagentur has not disclosed the generation capacity of the projects awarded.
136 MW of the capacity awarded is to be installed in Brandenburg, a north-eastern state which surrounds Berlin, while 100 MW will be installed in North Rhine-Westphalia, the most populous state, located in the west, and 95 MW in Schleswig-Holstein, the northernmost state. Bundesnetzagentur has stressed that the popularity of these three states is coincidental - the location of the projects submitted did not impact the award decision.
The agency has already launched its next onshore wind tender. Another 670 MW are available for allocation, with a maximum eligible bid value of EUR63 (US$72.1) per MWh. The bid submission date is 1 October 2018.
Perhaps to even the distribution of projects around the country, Bundesnetzagentur will not award more than 311,271 kW capacity proposed to be installed in the grid development area, which covers substantial parts of Northern Germany.
The authority is also tendering 182.5 MW solar power on the same date. The maximum bid value is EUR87.5 (US$100.1) per MWh.
Merkur Offshore has successfully amended the financing agreements for its 396 MW wind project, securing more competitive terms for senior debt amounting to EUR1.5 billion (US$1.76 billion). This will fund the installation of 66 wind turbines in the German North Sea, approximately 45km north of Borkum.
Read moreGermany's Federal Network Agency for Electricity, Gas, Telecommunications, Post and Railway (Bundesnetzagentur) has launched the country's third onshore wind auction of 2018. The agency plans to allocate 670 MW.
Read moreE.ON has announced the successful close of the syndication of EUR5 billion (US$5.88 bilion) financing for its acquisition of Innogy, an energy company based in Essen, Germany, with revenue of around EUR44 billion (US$54.3 billion) (2016), more than 40,000 employees and activities in 16 countries across Europe.
Read moreCanada Pension Plan Investment Board (CPPIB) has signed agreements with Enbridge Inc. to acquire 49% of Enbridge’s interests in select North American onshore renewable power assets, as well as 49% of Enbridge’s interests in two German offshore wind projects for approximately CAD1.75 billion (US$1.36 billion).
Read moreGermany’s Federal Network Agency (Bundesnetzagentur) has announced that six bids were submitted in response to its second offshore wind tender, which aimed to allocate 1,610 MW. The average price of the winning bids was EUR46.60 (US$56.06) per MWh, though some participants bid for projects without subsidies.
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