Canada Pension Plan Investment Board (CPPIB) has signed agreements with Enbridge Inc. to acquire 49% of Enbridge’s interests in select North American onshore renewable power assets, as well as 49% of Enbridge’s interests in two German offshore wind projects for approximately CAD1.75 billion (US$1.36 billion).
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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Beatae cupiditate dolore doloremque dolorum, ducimus ea et fugiat impedit iure labore magnam, nisi quis repudiandae suscipit tempore vel voluptate? Beatae, voluptate!
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Adipisci deleniti, eos id inventore iusto molestias neque possimus! Accusamus aliquid animi commodi cumque nam nemo! Doloribus est molestiae numquam repudiandae totam.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Accusamus eligendi id impedit incidunt labore maxime rem repudiandae saepe. Accusamus fuga nesciunt quos. Ab architecto culpa, eum mollitia optio quaerat veniam!
Germany’s Federal Network Agency (Bundesnetzagentur) has announced that six bids were submitted in response to its second offshore wind tender, which aimed to allocate 1,610 MW. The average price of the winning bids was EUR46.60 (US$56.06) per MWh, though some participants bid for projects without subsidies.
Read moreKGAL has announced the second closing of its Enhanced Sustainable Power Fund (ESPF) 4. Five European investors have committed EUR127 million (US$154.01 million) to the renewable energy fund, bringing the total equity raised to EUR382 million (US$463.24 million).
Read morePNE WIND AG plans to place a corporate bond in the amount of approximately EUR50 million (US$61.3 million). After the placement, the bond will be traded on the OTC market of the Frankfurt Stock Exchange.
Read moreE.ON and RWE have announced an agreement regarding a far-reaching exchange of assets and interests, centred around E.ON's acquisition of RWE’s 76.8% stake in Innogy SE. The Supervisory Boards of both companies have approved the transaction.
Read moreCopenhagen Infrastructure Partners (CIP) has announced that it has entered into a partnership with German geothermal developer Deutsche ErdWärme (DEW) to develop a portfolio of geothermal energy projects in the upper Rhine valley of Germany, through its fund Copenhagen Infrastructure III K/S (CI III).
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