Windwärts divests 12 MW German wind project to AREAM

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Windwärts Energie GmbH has sold the Düst II wind farm to a fund managed by AREAM GmbH. The Düst II wind farm consists of five Enercon E-92 wind turbines with a hub height of 104 meters, a total height of 150 meters and a total output of 11.75 MW. The commercial management takes over AREAM, the contract for the technical management was assigned to Windwärts in the long term. 

Windwärts planned and developed the project and obtained the approval according to the Federal Immission Control Act (BImSchG) and in the tendering process in accordance with the Renewable Energy Sources Act of 2017. The construction phase began in the early summer of 2018 with the road construction and the subsequent laying of the cable route. By the end of the year, the construction of the facilities, which went into full operation in mid-January 2019, followed. 

The Düst II wind farm is an extension of the Düsten wind farm, also acquired by AREAM, in which Windwärts had already connected five identical wind turbines to the grid in September 2017. Thus, since the middle of January 2019, a total of ten turbines have been turning in the wind energy priority area between Düste and Dreeke. In total, the plants will produce around 50 million kilowatt hours of environmentally friendly and climate-friendly wind power every year. This corresponds to the electricity requirement of approximately 16,175 households and avoids the emission of more than 26,350 tons of carbon dioxide per year.

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