Sonnedix secures environmental permit for 150 MW Tres Cruces solar project

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Sonnedix has obtained the Environmental Qualification Resolution (RCA), a Chilean environmental permit for the execution of a 150 MWp solar photovoltaic project in the Atacama region, in Chile.

The 150 MW project will be located within the communes of Diego de Almagro and Chañaral, within the Atacama region where the solar IPP has recently inaugurated its largest photovoltaic plant to date, the 170 MW Sonnedix Atacama Solar.

With an estimated investment of US$140 million, Sonnedix Tres Cruces is expected to start its construction phase by 2023, reaching commercial operation within 2024. 

Once built, Sonnedix Tres Cruces will be connected to the local electric system through a 220kV transmission line of 11.8 km, producing around 460 GWh of energy each year. 

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