Sonnedix has expanded its presence in Chile through the acquisition of the 138 MW Meseta de Los Andes project, located only 80 km from Santiago. The acquisition continues to build on Sonnedix’s presence and commitment to the Chilean solar market, with over 400 MW capacity of utility scale solar photovoltaic projects under development, construction or in operation.
The project, currently at a greenfield stage, will be co-developed with the Spanish developer AR Energia and is expected to enter construction by early 2020. The project’s renewable energy generation will contribute to supplying power purchase agreements (PPAs) already secured by Sonnedix.
Red Eléctrica has completed the acquisition of the entire stakes in Centinela Transmisión from Antofagasta Plc. The deal represents a total investment of EUR100 milli...
Read moreAES Gener, through its unit Eléctrica Angamos, has concluded the sale process of entire stakes of Compañía Transmisora del Norte Grande to Chilquinta Energía. The...
Read moreAbengoa and Acciona have signed construction contracts for the project. Works are expected to commence this month
Innergex Renewable Energy has completed the acquisition of the project through its 50% ownership stake in Energia Llaima. The purchase price is about $210 million
A joint venture has been formed between Innergex Renewable Energy and Energia Llaima for the acquisition of the 140 MW Duqueco hydro project located in Chile. An initial amount of USD10 million has b...
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