Smart Solar Corp starts the construction of 11.8 MW Kumamoto Yamaga Solar Park D in Kumamoto prefecture

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Smart Solar Corp has started the construction of a 11.8 MW Kumamoto Yamaga Solar photovoltaic Park D. plant in Kumamoto prefecture, Japan.

The project has a PPA price of JPY36 (US$ 0.33) per kWh, excluding consumption tax and an estimated investment value of about JPY 4.2 billion (US$38.51 million).

The Kumamoto Yamaga Solar Park D will consist of 29,647 double-sided power generation solar panels covering 19.15-hectare area of Yamaga Town.

The solar park is scheduled to be operational in August 2021. The park is expected to generate some 14,590 MWh of electricity per year, enough to meet the demand of about 4,168 local households and offseting 4,588.8 tonnes of carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions annually.



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