SgurrEnergy won a contract to undertake a power performance testing (PPT) on the project

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Country updates

  • August 03, 2017

    Macquarie and GIC are interested in jointly acquire stake in the power utility

    Macquarie and GIC are interested in jointly acquire stake in the power utility. The tender process will start from August 10 to September 18

  • August 03, 2017

    The Supreme Court in the UK have ruled in favour of E.on in the dispute concerning the foundations, designed and installed by MT Hojgaard

    The Supreme Court in the UK have ruled in favour of E.on in the dispute concerning the foundations, designed and installed by MT Hojgaard. The foundations failed shortly after completion of the projec...

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  • August 02, 2017

    The adquisition has been closed

  • August 02, 2017

    Nelja Energia AS’ plan is to install between 100 and 160 offshore wind turbines for a combined capacity of 700 MW to 1,100 MW

  • August 01, 2017

    Deepwater launched the project in response to Massachusetts' Clean Energy RFP

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