Seabased to install 10 MW wave power park in Audierne Bay

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Seabased, a wave energy company, is planning to build a 10 MW wave power park in Audierne Bay, France. The company already works with Brittany-based ENAG, which specializes in energy conversion. ENAG has built Seabased’s unique electrical system.

The planned wave power park will begin with a pilot of 2 MW and scale up to 10 MW and will be connected to the French grid. Seabased’s wave power technology uses a buoy on the surface of the ocean that moves with the waves. This motion lifts a heavy, magnetized weight called a translator up and down inside the generator that rests on the seafloor. The generator, called a Wave Energy Converter (WEC), converts this mechanical energy into electrical energy which it sends to Seabased’s unique electrical system, also located on the seabed. The electrical system converts the power from many generators to a single stream of grid-ready electricity.

The company has completed two grid-connected wave power demonstration parks and is in the process of final system optimization and 3rd party certification before full commercialization.

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