Goldwind has signed a grid connection agreement for the project with AusNet Services. Under its terms, AusNet Services will build, own and operate a new transmission line running 70km south of the wind farm to a new 500kV terminal station and network interface, which will also be constructed and owned by AusNet
Greencoat will issue 101.58 million ordinary shares as part of its latest offering for up to GBP 118.8 million (USD 160.4m/EUR 135.8m) of gross proceeds. The cash will be used to finance the acquisition of an additional stake in the owner of the project and the 172.8 MW wind farm
Greencoat will issue 101.58 million ordinary shares as part of its latest offering for up to GBP 118.8 million (USD 160.4m/EUR 135.8m) of gross proceeds. The cash will be used to finance the acquisition of an additional stake in the owner of the project and the 349.6 MW wind farm