Orezone enters clean energy supply deal for Bomboré project

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Orezone Gold Corporation has signed a power purchase agreement (PPA) with Genser Energy Burkina SA for the supply of clean energy electrical power for the Bomboré project.

Under the PPA, Genser will use LNG as its main fuel, augmented with a staged solar plant, to power operations of Bomboré mine. Fixed-rate energy tariff will apply over the life-of-mine (LOM) oxide operation with a fixed rate tariff to be negotiated for the additional energy demand upon commissioning of the sulfide processing circuit, expected in the third year of commercial production.

The power plant will consist of six 2.5MW LNG generators with four 2.6MW diesel backup units. This configuration is sized for the initial oxide operation and the planned sulfide expansion. A solar photovoltaic plant up to 14MWp to be installed in stages with an 11kV powerline to connect the gas and backup diesel generators, and solar plant.

Genser will design, permit, finance, and install all power generating equipment and associated infrastructure including LNG storage and diesel storage terminals. It will also be the operator and owner of the power plant facility.

Orezone currently owns 90% of Bomboré located in Burkina Faso. The deposit hosts a large oxide resource underlain by a larger, open sulfide resource, and will be developed in two stages. The project is scheduled for the first gold pour in the third quarter of 2022.

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