New York Siting Board approves 101.8 MW Eight Point Wind project

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The New York State Board on Electric Generation Siting and the Environment has granted approval to Eight Point Wind LLC to build and operate a wind farm facility in Steuben County, New York. The Siting Board’s decision follows a rigorous review and public participation process to ensure that the wind farm meets or exceeds all siting requirements.

The 101.8 MW Eight Point wind farm, as approved, will consist of 31 wind turbines to be located on leased or purchased land. In addition to the wind turbines, the project will also include the construction of access roads, a collection substation, mostly underground 34.5 kilovolt (kV) collection lines, up to two permanent meteorological towers, temporary staging and laydown areas, an operations and maintenance building, and related facilities.

The project will be located in the Towns of Greenwood and West Union in Steuben County, New York.

Eight Point Wind proposes to construct an approximately 16.5-mile overhead 115-kV transmission line that would interconnect the project with New York State Electric and Gas Corporation’s existing 115-kV Bennett substation in the Town of Hornellsville, Steuben County. The proposed transmission facility will be subject to review pursuant and was not reviewed as part of the proposed project in this proceeding.

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