Iberdrola signs PPA with Vodafone Espana for 49 MW Puylobo onshore wind project in Borja

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Iberdrola and Vodafone Spain have signed a long-term agreement on the purchase and sale of energy from Iberdrola's 49 MW wind project in Spain. With this agreement, Vodafone Spain will meet 75% of its objective of using electricity purchased from renewable sources in 2021.

Iberdrola will provide green energy to the 13,500 supply points of Vodafone's own network in Spain. The contract will start in January 2021 and part of the consumption -140 GWh/year out of a total of 540 GWh/year- will be carried out through the PPA. The rest, 400 GWh/year, will be supplied under another agreement, which will guarantee green consumption through the delivery of Guarantees of Origin (GoO) from other renewable assets of the electric company.

Located in the municipality of Borja, in Zaragoza, Puylobo will have an installed capacity of 49 megawatts (MW). The park's production, once it comes into operation, will avoid the emission of 32,000 tons of CO 2/year.

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