First foundation installed at 269 MW Deutsche Bucht offshore wind farm

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Balance of Plant Contractor Van Oord has installed the first foundation at the Deutsche Bucht Offshore Wind Farm, located approximately 95km northwest of the island of Borkum, Germany. This marks the start of the project's  construction period at sea.

The foundation is installed in a water depth of approximately 40m and consists of a monopile fitted with a transition piece. After completion, the offshore wind farm will consist of a total of 33 wind turbines, 31 on monopiles and two on Mono Buckets. The Mono Buckets will be installed in the second quarter of 2019.

The project company for the wind farm is 100% owned by Northland Power Inc. In 2017 Van Oord was awarded the Balance of Plant contract. The scope consists of the design engineering, procurement, construction and installation of the foundations, inter array cables and offshore substation, and the transport of the wind turbines.

Deutsche Bucht will have a grid connection capacity of approximately 269 MW. That is sufficient to provide approximately 328,000 households with sustainable energy on an annual basis. Commissioning is expected to take place in the second half of 2019.

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