EBL Wind Invest has announced the acquisition. The financial details of the transaction were not disclosed
Wind Invest has acquired the wind project from Win Energie & Orbis. The plant was developed and constructed by Win Energie & Orbis. EBL will take care of the plant’s commercial management. The financi...
Read moreVattenfall has installed the first of the 11 MHI Vestas turbines at the EOWDC. Two of the turbines to be installed are enhanced with further internal power modes, increasing their capacity from 8.4 MW...
Read moreVivergo Fuels has reopened the bioethanol plant after a four-month shutdown due to weak ethanol prices and a lack of policy clarity. The restart was motivated by the approval of Renewable Transport Fuel Obligation (RTFO) by the UK Parliament, which targets an increase in the use of renewable fuels in transport from 4.75% to 9.75% by 2020, and the completion of maintenance work