Enel, through its US renewable company Enel Green Power North America, Inc. (EGPNA), has signed new power purchase agreements with Facebook and Adobe for the energy produced by the 320 MW Rattlesnake Creek wind farm in Nebraska.
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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Beatae cupiditate dolore doloremque dolorum, ducimus ea et fugiat impedit iure labore magnam, nisi quis repudiandae suscipit tempore vel voluptate? Beatae, voluptate!
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Adipisci deleniti, eos id inventore iusto molestias neque possimus! Accusamus aliquid animi commodi cumque nam nemo! Doloribus est molestiae numquam repudiandae totam.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Accusamus eligendi id impedit incidunt labore maxime rem repudiandae saepe. Accusamus fuga nesciunt quos. Ab architecto culpa, eum mollitia optio quaerat veniam!
The New York State Energy Research and Development Authority (NYSERDA) has awarded contracts for 26 large-scale renewable energy projects to be located across the state, representing US$1.4 billion in investment, the single largest commitment to renewable energy by a state in U.S. history.
Read moreThe Hawaiian Electric Companies, subsidiaries of Hawaiian Electric Industries, Inc. have issued RFPs for new, grid-scale renewable energy projects for O'ahu, Maui and Hawai'i Island. The companies are seeking the largest amount of variable renewable resources ever to be developed at one time in Hawai'i.
Read moreArdian has announced a partnership with Transatlantic Power Holdings (TPH) to build a renewable platform based in the United States. Called Skyline Renewables, the platform will focus on acquiring operating and development projects in the onshore wind sector, with the aim of building a leading North American clean independent power platforms with a total installed capacity of 3 GW.
Read moreEnel has announced that it has secured three long-term power purchase agreements (PPAs) for the 300 MW Diamond Vista wind farm, located in Marion and Dickinson Counties, in Kansas. The project is being developed by Enel's US renewable energy company Enel Green Power North America, Inc. (EGPNA). The company also announced that construction has commenced.
Read morePlatinum Equity has announced it has signed a definitive agreement to acquire an 810 MW combined-cycle gas turbine generating power plant in Gettsyburg, Pennsylvania, USA from GenOn, a subsidiary of NRG Energy Inc.
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