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Cabildo de Fuerteventura is auctioning the wind project. The minimum bid budget is of EUR 3 million (USD 3.7m), of which 87% corresponds to the wind turbine and 13% to the rest of services and works necessary to execute the installation. The winner will be in charge of the supply, installation, operation and maintenance of the wind turbines. Interested parties have until April 16 to deliver the applications
Coillte has launched the sale of its acquired stakes in the wind project
March 22, 2018
Coillte has launched the sale of its acquired stakes in the wind project
March 22, 2018
Coillte has launched the sale of its acquired stakes in the wind project
March 22, 2018
Coillte has launched the sale of its acquired stakes in the wind project
March 22, 2018
French technology company Sereema has announced that it has signed a deal with Total Eren to install its Windfit monitoring system at the project, which will Total Eren to monitor and analyse data related to each turbine’s performance through the so-called Windfit cloud portal
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