Brazil's administrative council CADE has approved the acquisition of the solar project by Total Eren

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Brazil's administrative council CADE has approved the acquisition of the solar project by Total Eren. The plants are currently in administrative and non-operational phases
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  • June 06, 2018

    Enel offers US$1.5 billion to win bidding war to acquire Brazil's Eletropaulo

    Enel has announced that its subsidiary Enel Brasil Investimentos Sudeste, S.A. has received confirmation of the successful completion of its voluntary offer for the purchase of the entire share c...

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  • June 05, 2018

    Brazil's Securities and Exchange Commission of Brazil (CVM) has postponed to June 18 the deadline for State Grid to recalculate the price of the acquisition

  • May 31, 2018

    Brazil's Eletrobras approves 970 MW wind assets sale

    Electrobras's Board of Directors have approved the assets disposal plan and minimum price for the sale of interest held by Eletrobras and its subsidiaries in certain Special Purpose Entities.

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  • May 31, 2018

    Enel SpA has emerged as the winner in the final round of bidding with an improved offer of BRL45.22 per share

    Enel SpA has emerged as the winner in the final round of bidding with an improved offer of BRL45.22 per share. At that price, Enel Brasil Investimentos Sudeste SA will pay around BRL7.567 billion (US$2 billion) for 100% of Eletropaulo

  • May 30, 2018

    The Board of Eletropaulo has recommended that Enel acquire the company, though it stressed that it could change its recommendation if a higher bid emerges

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