Enel has announced that its subsidiary Enel Brasil Investimentos Sudeste, S.A. has received confirmation of the successful completion of its voluntary offer for the purchase of the entire share capital of Eletropaulo Metropolitana Eletricidade de São Paulo S.A., marking its success in the bidding war for the acquisition, which lasted over six weeks.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Commodi delectus, dolorem doloremque ducimus eius error in magni maiores nam natus nobis nulla praesentium quae quis, reprehenderit rerum sint sunt unde.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Beatae cupiditate dolore doloremque dolorum, ducimus ea et fugiat impedit iure labore magnam, nisi quis repudiandae suscipit tempore vel voluptate? Beatae, voluptate!
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Adipisci deleniti, eos id inventore iusto molestias neque possimus! Accusamus aliquid animi commodi cumque nam nemo! Doloribus est molestiae numquam repudiandae totam.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Accusamus eligendi id impedit incidunt labore maxime rem repudiandae saepe. Accusamus fuga nesciunt quos. Ab architecto culpa, eum mollitia optio quaerat veniam!
Electrobras's Board of Directors have approved the assets disposal plan and minimum price for the sale of interest held by Eletrobras and its subsidiaries in certain Special Purpose Entities.
Read moreThe Brazilian government has announced that the National Electricity Energy Agency (ANEEL) will auction concessions for the construction, operation and maintenance of approximately 2,600 km of transmission lines on 28 June 2018.
Read moreCentrais Elétricas de Sergipe (CELSE), a special purpose vehicle majority-owned by Golar Power, has announced the signing of financing agreements for the Porto de Sergipe I project, which involves the development of a thermal power plant that will process natural gas in electric energy in Barra dos Coqueiros, Sergipe state, north-east Brazil.
Read moreCanadian Solar Inc. has announced that it won three solar photovoltaic (PV) projects in Brazil's A-4 auction that was held on 4 April 2018. The projects have with a total installed capacity of 364 MWp.
Read moreBrazil's Ministry of Mines and Energy has announced that 44 of the 97 projects awarded in its Avançar Energia programme has been completed, adding 1,028 MW of installed capacity to the National Generator Park (Parque Gerador Nacional).
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