Air Liquide has inaugurated HyBalance, a pilot site for the production of carbon-free hydrogen in Denmark. This facility uses electrolysis technology and allows to balance the electricity grid and store surplus electricity in the form of hydrogen that will be used in industry and transportation. This project, initiated in 2016, is led by Air Liquide together with a group of partners - Hydrogenics, LBST, Neas Energy, and Hydrogen Valley. The project funding came from the European public-private partnership Fuel Cells and Hydrogen Joint Undertaking (FCH JU) and the support of the Danish EUDP* program.
As part of this project, Air Liquide developed, built, and is operating the facility that produces hydrogen from water electrolysis as well as the filling center for its customers delivered by trailers. The electrolyser, with a capacity of 1.2 MW, enables the production of around 500 kg of hydrogen a day without releasing CO2. Besides industrial customers, the hydrogen that is produced is used to supply the network of five hydrogen stations installed and operated by the Copenhagen Hydrogen Network, a subsidiary of Air Liquide in Denmark.
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