ACWA Power welcomes SAHAM Assurances as new institutional partner in 120 MW Moroccan wind project

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Entering a new phase in its development, ACWA Power Khalladi opens its Capital to SAHAM Assurances a new institutional investor, who will hold 24% of the Capital and who will sit on the Board of Directors.  ACWA Power continues to have a controlling stake of 51% and in charge of the operations and maintenance through its affiliate NOMAC.

The 120 MW Khalladi wind farm which is operational since 2018 supplies clean power to a number of large industrial companies in Morocco at competitive prices. The energy that the plant produces and supplies annually to industrial companies is equivalent to a yearly average consumption of a city of 400,000 people and will contribute to the reduction of more than 144,000 tons of CO2 emissions per year.

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