Statoil appoints executive vice president and chief operating officer

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Statoil appoints executive vice president and chief operating officer

Jannicke Nilsson has been appointed executive vice president and chief operating officer (COO) in Statoil.

She takes over the role from Anders Opedal, who will lead the development of Statoil’s growing and increasingly important operations in Brazil as new country manager.

Nilsson will report to President and CEO Eldar Sætre with her office location being Stavanger (Norway), while Opedal will report to Lars Christian Bacher, executive vice president Development & Production International.

Jannicke Nilsson is currently senior vice president for COO operational performance projects, a role she has held since 1 August 2015. Jannicke joined the company in 1999 and has held a range of engineering, research, operational and leadership roles. Jannicke Nilsson started initially as a project engineer, then project leader, production engineer, production supervisor and platform manager at Oseberg South.

She has been manager of Oseberg C and vice president for modification and project portfolio Bergen in DPN, as well as senior vice president for operations North Sea and for operations North Sea west in DPN.

She came from the position as senior vice president for TPD TEX (technical excellence) when she in august 2013 was appointed programme leader for STEP (Statoil technical efficiency programme).

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