Peruvian Proinversion awards transmission line

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Peruvian Proinversion awards transmission line

The Peruvian Private Investment Promotion Agency (ProInversión) has awarded to the Italian based company Terna Plus the concession contract for the Aguaytía-Pucallpa Transmission project under a PPP basis.

The project involves the development 138 Kv transmission line that, together with the current transmission line in operation, will cover sufficiently and with high standard quality the increasing demand of the industries and residential areas in the zone.

Terna Plus has won the tender after submitting a very competitive bid of US$8.8 million for the whole project investment with O&M annual costs ascending to US$307,000.

Interconexión Eléctrica S.A. E.S.P. and the consortia EDEMSA (Eléctricas de Medellín Ingeniería y Servicios S.A.S. – Eléctricas de Medellín Perú S.A.) also submitted proposals for the project.

The project will be delivered though design, build, finance, operation and maintenance sheme (DBFOM) and will comprise a concession period of 30 years from the completion of construction works (scheduled to last 36 months from the project signing).

We have recently reported about other transmission projects in Peru: 

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