The Ministry of Energy and Mines (MEM), on representation of the Government of Peru, and the Consorcio Transmantaro S.A. have signed the contract for the concession of the La Planicie-Industriales 220 kV Transmission Line and Associated Substations.
ProInversion’s Pro Conectividad Committee granted the award of the project to Interconexión Eléctrica S.A. E.S.P. (ISA), which presented Consorcio Transmantaro S.A., owned by Colombian capitals, as its concessionaire.
The La Planicie-Industriales 220 kV Transmission Line and its Associated Substations will make it possible to transport energy from La Planicie Substation (La Molina) to Industriales 220/60 kV substation (Ate Vitarte), operated by Luz del Sur, aiming to expand the 220 kV network in Metropolitan Lima. The project will help meet the growing demand for energy in the south of Lima in a timely manner and with the quality required.
The concession, commissioned by the Ministry of Energy and Mines, was granted under a Bid for Comprehensive Projects in which the awardee becomes responsible for the project design, financing, construction, operation, and maintenance.
The concession period for the project is 30 years plus the construction time (estimated in 24 months after the date of signing of the contract).
The total project investment is estimated at US$ 35.3 million.
We recently wrote about another transmission project in Peru, the Carapongo substation and associated connections project. Yesterday we reported that ProInversion had launched a tender process to develop the first stage of the project. The total project investment is estimated at US$31.3 million.