Pakistan launches tender process to develop 660MW Jamshoro power plant

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Pakistan launches tender process to develop 660MW Jamshoro power plant

The Government of Pakistan has launched a tender process to the 660 MW gross Jamshoro Coal Power Plant Project.

Specifically, the government has received financing in the amount of US$1,120 million from the Asian Development Bank and Islamic Development Bank toward the cost of the project, and it intends to apply part of the proceeds to payments for goods, works, related services and consulting services to be procured under this project. The project will include the following components: 

  • Design, Engineering, Procurement, Construction, Commissioning, Performance Test and putting into successful operation of 660MW gross coal fired supercritical units and associated infrastructure facilities within in the perimeter of the existing Jamshoro power plant with 5 year Operation and Maintenance (O&M) of the plant after completion of construction; 
  • O&M scope includes management and performance of all day-to-day operation, maintenance and repair of the facilities including routine, corrective, preventive and scheduled maintenance; maintain and manage adequate supply of spare parts and consumables; O&M of infrastructure facilities including coal facilities; capacity building of owner’s staffs; 
  • Bidder will be required to arrange debt financing to bridge the funding gap to implement unit 2 through Export Credit Agency (ECA) and/or Bank Financing; 

Interested parties must submit the solicited documents on or before 31 December 2015.

See tender announcement.

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