NTPC tenders 250 MW of solar under DCR Category

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NTPC tenders 250 MW of solar under DCR Category

India's National Thermal Power Corporation (NTPC) has launched a tender seeking interested developers for a 250 -MW Grid-connected Solar PV Power plant under DCR Category. 

The project involves the design, engineering, manufacturing, supply, packaging and forwarding, transportation, unloading, storage, installation, and commissioning of the project. The developer will be in charge as well of O&M services of the project and transmission system.

The NTPC official also said: 

“The project can be developed anywhere across India. There is no predetermined project location.”

According to sources, USA and India agreed that December 14, 2017 will be the last day for DCR category

The bid-submission deadline is August 30, 2017.

You can have further information in our business opportunities section.

India is has been very active with solar tenders, having quadrupled its solar capacity in the last three years.

In mid June, we reported another solar tender for the 750-MW Grid Connected Solar Photo Voltaic Power Projects in the state of Rajasthan.

Later on, we informed that the Maharashtra State Power Generation Company (MAHAGENCO) launched the expression of interest (EoI) for the development of of up to 2 GW of new solar power capacity across Maharashtra and in early July, the Tamil Nadu Energy Development Agency (TEDA) has issued a request for proposal (RFP) for the development of a 500 MW solar park in the state

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