NOOR II and NOOR III bid deadline extended

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NOOR II and NOOR III bid deadline extended

The Moroccan Agency for Solar Energy (MASEN) has extended the application deadline for the second phase of its 500 MW NOOR concentrated solar plant by three months to mid-September 2014.

Located near the south central city Quarzazate, the NOOR CSP Next Program consists of two separate projects. The two installations will be treated as separate projects, with a parabolic trough chosen for the design of the 200 MW NOOR II plant and a solar power tower chosen for the 100 MW NOOR III project.

On 23 January, MASEN launched the request for qualification document (RFQ). On 1 August 2014 MASEN announced that a total of 3 and 4 consortia were pre-qualified to bid for the Noor II and Noor III projects respectively. They are:

NOOR II (200 MW Parabolic Trough):

NOOR III (100 MW Tower):

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