Mynydd y Gwynt wind farm advances in planning

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Mynydd y Gwynt wind farm advances in planning

Renewable Energy Holdings plc (REH) has announced that its Mynydd y Gwynt wind farm project in UK advances into the recommendation and decision phase.

During the recommendation and decision phase the Planning Inspectorate has 3 months to prepare a report with a recommendation to the Secretary of State for Energy and Climate Change, who then has a further 3 months to make the decision on whether to grant or refuse development consent.

The directors of the company therefore expect to be notified of a decision no later than 20 November 2015.

The application is for 27 wind turbines of 3-3.3MW each, giving a capacity between 81 - 89.1 MW. The project will be located east of Aberystwyth within Powys Council local authority boundary. In addition to the wind turbines the project also involves the development of a substation and control building, monitoring mast, electrical cables, new access tracks and widening existing tracks.

We have recently reported that the UK Green Investment Bank plc (GIB) acquired a £236 million stake in a joint venture with E.ON to construct and own the 400MW Rampion offshore wind farm, off the coast of Brighton.

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