SSE Renewables has announced that the first turbine has been installed for its 101MW Yellow River Wind Farm located near Rhode in County Offaly, Ireland.
SSE Renewables has appointed Nordex Group to manufacture, deliver and install 29 of its N117/3600 units at the project. The company closed the acquisition of the Wind Farm from its developer, Green Wind Energy (Wexford) Ltd in December 2019. In the most recent RESS 3 auction round for new onshore wind farms held by the Irish government, the wind facility won a contract for the entire projected installed capacity of renewable energy power on the site. Shortly after commissioning, the contract is expected to start.
The onshore wind farm is capable of generating enough energy to power over 6,000 homes annually and offset 65,000 metric tonnes of carbon per annum. All turbines are expected to be installed by the end of summer 2024 with commissioning expected in early 2025.
Foresight Energy Infrastructure Partners (FEIP), Foresight Group’s energy transition fund, has announced an investment into the development of a new 360 MW pumped storage hydro project in County Tipperary, Ireland.
Read moreESB and Bord na Móna have selected Voltalia as the EPC contractor for their new 108 MW solar photovoltaic (PV) project at Timahoe North, County Kildare, in Ireland.
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ESB has been granted exclusive development rights for the construction and operation of a 100 MW floating wind farm project located in Scottish waters off the north coast of Northern Ireland.
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Wicklow County Council has granted SSE Renewables permission to build an operation and maintenance center for the 800 MW Arklow Bank 2 offshore wind farm off the coast of Ireland.
Read moreSSE Renewables has been awarded planning approval to build the onshore grid infrastructure required to connect Phase 2 of Arklow Bank Wind Park to Ireland's power transmission grid.
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