Enel signs PPA for 486.7 MW Solar PV complex in Colombia

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Enel signs PPA for 486.7 MW Solar PV complex in Colombia

Bavaria AB InBev and Enel Colombia have signed a 15-year long term Power Purchase Agreement (PPA) for the output of the Guayepo I & II solar project located in Ponedera, Atlantico, Colombia.

Under the agreement, Enel will supply 250 GWh/year of renewable energy to seven breweries, two malting plants and a labeling plant located in different cities across the country, starting in February 2024.

The 486.7 MWDC solar complex consists of two Phases and features over 820,600 interconnected solar panels that generate more than 1 TWh/year of energy. This first phase (Guayepo I) will have an installed capacity of 221 MWDC, of which 50%, or around 250 GWh/year will be dedicated to supplying the brewery.

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