E.on closes sale of Uniper stake for EUR 3.8bn

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E.on closes sale of Uniper stake for EUR 3.8bn

E.ON SE has successfully completed the sale of its 46.65 percent stake in Uniper SE to Fortum Corporation.

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  • April 03, 2018

    Fortum to purchase 312 MW wind power in Finland

    Fortum has signed an agreement to purchase the entire annual wind power production from Taaleri’s portfolio in Finland. The total installed capacity of the portfolio is 312 MW, and its annual output is approximately 1 TWh, which represents around 1.5% of Finnish electricity production in 2017.

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  • December 22, 2017

    Allianz, MIRA and Valtion Eläkerahasto to acquire Elenia

    Allianz Capital Partners (ACP), Macquarie Infrastructure and Real Assets (MIRA) and Valtion Eläkerahasto (VER) have signed an agreement to acquire Elenia Oy, Finland’s second largest power distribution system operator and Elenia Lämpö Oy, Finland’s ninth largest district heating network.

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  • October 17, 2017

    ABO Wind receives €160 million loan for wind projects in Finland

    HSH Nordbank is providing ABO Wind AG with long-term loans totaling approximately €160 million for the financing of two wind parks in Finland and a project in Ireland.

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  • May 05, 2017

    HSH Nordbank finances 37.9 MWp Vandel 2 solar project in Denmark

    HSH Nordbank, a German financial services provider, has announced it will finance part of the construction of a 37.9 MW PV plant in Vandel/Billund, in the Danish southern province of Jütland.

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  • May 05, 2017

    Financial close reached for Finnish onshore wind farms

    European Energy A/S has achieved financial closure for its Finnish onshore wind farms “Haukineva” and “Jeppo” located in the municipalities of Uusikaarlepvy and Kurikka in Finland.


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