Deal signed for upgradation of 510 MW Combined Heat and Power (CHP) Plant in Kazakhstan

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Deal signed for upgradation of 510 MW Combined Heat and Power (CHP) Plant in Kazakhstan

The Asian Development Bank (ADB) and Joint Stock Company Almaty Electric Stations (ALES), fully owned by Samruk-Energy JSC (Samruk-Energy), have entered a loan agreement worth KZT98 billion (approximately US$214 million), to replace an outdated coal-fired combined heat and power plant (CHP) in Almaty with cutting-edge combined cycle gas turbine (CCGT) units. The plant's carbon emissions would be substantially decreased as a result of the upgrade.

The JSC Almaty Electric Stations' CHP Plant 2 modification will increase fuel efficiency by over 20%, decrease carbon dioxide emissions and other air pollutants, enhance the city's general air quality, and allow Kazakhstan's largest city's inhabitants to heat their homes through the country's tough winters.

Apart from improving the environment, the undertaking would deliver secondary reserve-generation capacity to regulate the intermittency of renewable energy generation and handle peak loads. This will allow Kazakhstan's power system operator to include more renewable energy into the country's power mix, adhering to the government's climate objectives.


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