Chinese proposal wins Panama 350 MW power tender

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Chinese proposal wins Panama 350 MW power tender

Electricity Transmission Company of Panama (ETESA) has received a total of 14 bids for its new power tender, in which the preferred bidder will have to provide 350 MW of energy for a period of 15 years since 2019.

Martano has submitted the best bid involving the development of a gas power plant to produce 350 MW at $0.0209 per KW/h. 

The company beat competition from, among others, AES Corporation, Grupo Motta,International Panama Power Corp. (IPPCO) and Gas Natural Atlantico.

ETESA is authorized by ASEP (Pnama's Public Services Authority) to provide the high tension electric energy transmission service to the general public, under a concession contract that’s valid until 2025 and can be extended by ETESA.

The company has the right to operate, exploit, maintain and perform improvements to the Transmission Network and all activities necessaries and convenient for the provision of the electric energy transmission service.

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