Panama approves 9.9 MW photovoltaic project

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Panama approves 9.9 MW photovoltaic project

Panama’s public services regulator Autoridad de los Servicios Públicos de la República de Panamá (ASEP) has granted provisional approval for the 9.9 MW Natá photovoltaic solar project.

The solar project will be developed by the local firm Panameña de Energía Solar VI in the municipality of Natà, in the province of Coclé, Panama. The project includes the development of a 9.9 MW solar plant.

Since May this year, ASEP has granted provisional approval to four more photovoltaic solar projects. The projects are the following:

  • the 9 MW Coclé solar project, which has been proposed by the local firm Solar Coclé. The project is located in the municipality of Coclé, in the province of Coclé;
  • the 19.8 MW Boqueron solar project, which has been proposed by the local firm SDR Energy Panama SA. The project will be located in the municipality of Boqueron, in the province of Chiriquí;
  • the 19.95 MW Bajo Frío solar project, which has been proposed by Bajo Frío PV SA. The project will be located in the municipality of Aserrio de Gariché, in the province of Chiriquí; and
  • 9 MW Chiriquí solar project,which will be developed by Enel Fortuna SA. The project will be located in San Juan, Chiriqui province. Enel Fortuna has signed a grid-connection agreement with Empresa de Distribución Chiriquí SA for the project.
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