Ashurst strengthens resources and infrastructure team with partner hire in Germany

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Ashurst strengthens resources and infrastructure team with partner hire in Germany

Ashurst, an international law firm advising corporates and financial institutions, has announced the appointment of partner Maximilian Uibeleisen, who will be based in the Frankfurt office, Germany.

Maximilian joins the firms from Noerr, having previously been a partner in Freshfields. He specialises in advising on regulatory and public law issues in energy and healthcare, as well as on environmental risk. He regularly advises national and international companies and investors on major energy and industrial projects.

Mr. Uibeleisen was part of the Noerr team advising IBERDROLA on proceedings before the Higher Regional Court of Düsseldorf in connection with allocating network connection capacity limited by the Renewable Energy Sources Act 2014 for offshore windfarms.

Tobias Krug, managing partner of Ashurst in Germany, said:

"We are delighted that Maximilian will be joining the team. His international experience and breadth of expertise in energy related transactions and on the public law/regulatory side of infrastructure projects and related M&A and finance work, will be invaluable. We have continued to make significant investment into our resources and infrastructure teams and this appointment will further deepen and strengthen our regional and international offering to clients."

Ashurst is a multinational law firm headquartered in London, it currently has 27 offices in 16 countries. The team comprises 420 partners and a further 1,450 lawyers working across 10 different time zones.

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